Friday 21 November 2014

Final Project _ Internet Research / Surveys / Focus Groups

After conducting intensive research on the internet I realized that there was a gap in the market in terms of the jewellery items that cater for the male segment. Being part of “Generation X” I can see a rise in metro sexuality amongst my male counter parts, myself included. I have seen a significant rise in male grooming and I see more males looking to spend money beautifying themselves in terms of their taste in clothing, hair styles, grooming. This led me to believe that there was an untapped market in terms of jewellery products / accessories available to men.

I decided to explore this hypothesis and conducted focus group sessions with men between the ages of 16 and 50. The results supported by hypothesis. Men between the ages of 16 and 35 have no problem spending at least 20% of their income beautifying themselves. This includes spending lavishly on jewellery accessories. I also discovered that some men over the age of 45 have no desire to splurge on grooming and would much rather prefer to pursue hobbies i.e. sports and socializing.

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