Wednesday 20 May 2015

Pendant Print Retake (FTX Cast)

After the casting for the first pendant didn't work out, I was asked to see if I could print the pendant in sections so that it is easier for cleaning and assembling thereafter. This didn't seem like a difficult task at the time so I even got sprew's included in the print so that the print would be definitely cast properly.

All the elements for the pendant wouldn't fit on the build plate if seated flat so I printed 2 parts upright and the other flat....this is the outcome....

Certain parts of  the pendant did not print so after some technical assistance from the authorized reseller I was advised to print the parts  either at 45' angle or flat against the bed. I was advised to print so that there isn't as so much of empty spaces as the machine will need to create extra supports and will be even more difficult to clean later. I was also advised to remove the resin cartridge and make sure that there is no built pieces that have fallen into the resin as this would affect the next print.

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