Tuesday 29 July 2014

Bow Tie - Complete


Artist statement:

decided to vary my research options on the Art Deco Period and instead of using the usual boring long – standing research methods, I opted for a much more enjoyable and relaxing technique.  I watched the movie, ‘The Great Gatsby’, which in my opinion, best captures, describe and portray the essence ofthis Art Deco Period.  This movie pays special attention to the flamboyant architecture, fashion and jewellery of this period.

Watching the movie for the second time, through the eyes of an Artist made me more aware of things I didn’t pay too much of attention to the first time around.  What really grabbed my attention this time around was that throughout the movie, there was the constant use of symmetrical geometric shapes in their architecture and clothes.  The bow tie was a major fashion accessory in men’s style during that period. It signified style, fashion and was also a symbol of status and wealth.

This inspired me to design a piece that was different but also spelt style, status and fashion.  The shape of my piece was inspired by a sculptural form which I created earlier in the year, towards my B-Tech.

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