Friday 19 September 2014

Decisions desicions

After having a very lengthy conversation regarding my predicament with Chris and the other students during our weekly B-Tech meeting, he has given me two options. Option 1 would be for me to take a gap year with my B-tech studies and continue in 2016.The second option would be for me to accept the offer at Design@50  and take the newly acquired skills I learn and apply them to my B-tech scheme of work. So whilst working at Design@50 I would still be continuing working towards my B-Tech at my own pace until my contract ends early next year. I am kind of liking the second option more than the first because I wouldn't be giving up my B-tech and I would still be working at Design@50. It seems like a win/win  situation at this moment in time.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Early acceptance - Design@50

I have just recieved a call from the people at Design @ 50. I have been offered a place to work and improve my skills on the CAD program Rhinoceros.  I'm not sure what I am goin to do just yet because I am nearly half way done with my B-Tech studies and I'd hate to throw all of that out the window. Although on the other hand it's an amazing opportunity for me to better my skills as well as speed on the program and I don't want to throw this away either.   I will have to sit down with Chris during tomorrow's meeting to discuss my predicament.