Thursday 27 March 2014

End of term....finally getting started!

After engaging with Chris at this weeks meeting, he too encourages me to create my very own sculptures and then use them as a reference for creating my jewellery. This will definitely steer me in the direction of working with a specific reference (my own work)

Wednesday 26 March 2014


 After a few trips to various fishing stores around the area, I have finally found red braided fishing line. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Presenting to the first years - Round 2

After extensive research. I tweaked my presentation. I realised that the artists used their own sculptures as a source of inspiration/ reference in creating their jewellery pieces. Perhaps I too should adopt this idea of using my own sculpture as a reference. It worked well for artists like Jorge Gil and Fritz Maierhofer, why not me?

Thursday 20 March 2014

Presenting to the first years (Trial run)

Chris was present amongst the audience of B-Tech students when I did a trail run of my first year presentation. My presentation consisted of images that I found interesting and that were possible references I could have used to design and create my jewellery. Chris suggested that I should be less random and more specific with my selection of references.  His rationale was that, by doing that, it would be easier to use them as a reference towards my B-tech at a later stage.  He also suggested that I should research the different sculptural figures which inspired the artists jewellery which I included in my presentation.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

How to tie your lace

 The major issue that I am currently facing is finding a suitable material to use to lace the ring up that is durable and neat at the same time. I have made two prototypes, each of them using fishing gut. This seems to work well and is extremely durable. I was able to burn the ends of into little balls as apposed to having to tie it. The problem now lies not with the material but the challenge that I could only lay my hands on lumo green gut that doesn't have the same look and appeal as the red would. A trip to the local fishing store this weekend is in order.


 In my previous post, I spoke about adding a black enamel paint to my work. I decided to add a random texture by using a rubber wheel which created ridges. (depicted as figure 1) I then coated the ring with a thin layer of black enamel paint. (depicted as figure 2) I am pleased with the outcome, as I feel it has given a crinkled leathery look to it. The black and red combination has a very sensual/seductive feel to it. Still not happy with the red string used, need to find something more durable.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Without the addition of colour, our lives would be so boring.

This was one of the small jobs that I had to do this week. I had to add black enamel paint between the circles to give the illusion of it being little black shiny cabochon stones that were set in the little beads for a mungal sutra (Indian wedding chain). This gives me an idea of applying it onto one of the rings I am currently working on. will it work? I actually have no idea but there is no harm in trying it anyway.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


I have created another ring to experiment with. I have doubled the distance between each hole as well as created a very bumpy random texture using a rubber wheel. I am not happy with the turnout of the 'lacy' bit, and  perhaps I should make the gap a little smaller instead. I found the random texture really cool as in my opinion it gives one the illusion of the possibility of being able to tighten the ring using the lace. I am toying with the idea of adding colour to ring to contrast the lace. The silver wire isn't giving me the desired effect that I seek.

Problem Solving

Following my previous post, I addressed the issue I had regarding the usability of lace, which frayed and got loose after a very short amount of time, by using wire. I have drawn 0.30mm sterling silver wire and threaded them to replace the red lace. I soldered the wire to the ring, which made the ends appear a lot neater. However after doing all this I feel that the gaps between the holes should be larger. 

Thursday 6 March 2014


After our weekly B-tech  meeting, I was asked to source an image of a corset which I used as a reference for creating the lace up designs for my rings. This image can be seen at 

Monday 3 March 2014

Prototype of lace rings

I am having a problem with the tying of each end of the lace. It is difficult to make a big enough knot on either end as well as, the problem of the lace fraying after a short period of time. I will perhaps try making the last two holes slightly smaller or replacing the lace with  0.30mm wire.

Design Idea

With February considered to be the month of ‘love’, I found inspiration from walking past various stores at gateway. Most of the bigger clothing stores had mannequins wearing sexy, lacy lingerie in their front windows. Due to it being Valentine’s Day in a few weeks, I noticed that most of the clothing, regardless of being lingerie had a touch of red. This immediately gave me the idea to try to incorporate red lace in my jewellery.

Lets get started!

Sculptural Ring

Better late than never, over the next two years I am working as an apprentice at Vijay Shah Jewellers as well as studying part time towards my B-tech in jewellery design and manufacture. I am hoping to improve my skills in manufacturing as well as learn different techniques in which I am able to incorporate into my Btech work. Completely mind boggled on how to begin manufacturing jewellery towards my Btech, I decided to carry on from where I stopped last year.